At East Lothian Works, we collaborate with Connected Communities (Community Learning and Development) to benefit from their contacts and support. We’re particularly interested in their ‘buddy’ system, with offers of assistance from our Ukrainian learners, who could help those with limited English or employability skills, including Syrian learners who often feel isolated. This would be a rewarding experience and enhance CVs, potentially leading to a reference from East Lothian Works.
Our Ukrainian learners bring diverse skills from backgrounds such as psychology, teaching, and community work. The ‘buddy’ system, supported by colleagues, would be managed by our Employability Intervention Officer, with oversight from an Employability Development Officer.
The success of the cafés has prompted us to explore ways to continue them, especially through the winter. In Dunbar, a new Syrian family has joined our service, and community sponsorship covers their ESOL costs. The group has offered to fund the café until the end of the tax year, benefiting the new family and other learners.
In Musselburgh, attendance remains high, and we’re applying for funding from the Musselburgh Common Good Fund to promote the café and attract more locals. If unsuccessful, we’re looking into UKSPF funding to continue into the new year, with a commitment to keep the café running until the end of the tax year.