
Our Partners

The New Scots refugee integration strategy is built on partnership and collaboration, led by the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Scottish Refugee Council. A range of partners are involved in implementing New Scots. Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair for Refugee Integration through the Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow, has chaired the New Scots Core Group since April 2018. The New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project is led by the Scottish Government in partnership with COSLA, the Scottish Refugee Council and the UNESCO Chair for Refugee Integration through the Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow.

Scottish Refugee Council

Scottish Refugee Council is Scotland’s national refugee charity. We advise and support people seeking refugee protection in Scotland; empower other organisations that work with refugees; advocate for refugee rights at local, Scottish and UK levels; and nurture positive public attitudes and a culture of welcome towards people seeking refugee protection in Scotland.


COSLA is the voice of local government in Scotland. COSLA is a councillor-led, cross-party organisation which champions the vital work of councils in order to secure the resources and powers they need. We work on councils’ behalf to focus on the challenges and opportunities they face, and to engage positively with governments and others on policy, funding and legislation. You can find out more about COSLA by visiting our website: COSLA’s Migration, Population and Diversity Team oversee policy in relation to Humanitarian Protection and Refugee Integration. More information can be found at

Scottish Government

The Scottish Government is the devolved government for Scotland and has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation. Find out more about the Scottish Government’s work to support refugee integration via the link below.

University of Glasgow

The UNESCO Chair at the University of Glasgow supports learning from contexts which have long- term refugee and migratory experiences and where resilience has been developed, often in the face of overwhelming linguistic and cultural destruction. Working with our cross-sectorial partners, we engage in research and advocacy for creative and artistic approaches to integration, which sustain linguistic and cultural diversity, foster creativity and intercultural capabilities and promote peace. The University of Glasgow is a University of Sanctuary – recognising the safe and welcoming environment that it aims to provide to refugees and people seeking asylum

Project Partners