
This report is based on the academic research conducted by the University of Glasgow on the NSRIDP project. It therefore provides a comprehensive presentation of the academic research undertaken over a two-year period (2020 – 2022). It is one of a number of NSRIDP outputs that are intended to inform the development of the third iteration of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy. An external evaluation of NSRIS 2 was also conducted by ScotCen as part of NSRIDP, as was a research project focused on the role of Scottish Local Authorities in delivering humanitarian protection programmes and facilitating refugee integration which was conducted by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) commissioned by COSLA in collaboration with the Scottish Government.

Some initial findings from research conducted by ScotCen and IPPR have been used to support the arguments made in this report. We have clearly stated instances where we have utilised their early findings and do not present these as our own. A second edition of this report will be published in 2023 which will fully incorporate the finalised findings of the research conducted by ScotCen and IPPR, as well as the public polling and evaluation of Refugee Festival Scotland commissioned by Scottish Refugee Council. This will allow for the unique, comprehensive and partnership approach of New Scots Refugee Integration Partnership to be fully reflected in the different reports. It also allows for triangulation of academic research against commissioned evaluations and vice versa.

This report aims to:

  • Offer interpretative frameworks drawn from the academic literature on integration and intercultural studies. These frameworks aim to expand, modify and clarify the context in which discussions of functional and service-led integration, and of community-based, human-centred integration occur.
  • Report on the research findings and literature review regarding the integration of New Scots in communities across Scotland, for a wide audience.
  • Inform the development of NSRIS 3 through a series of recommendations based on the research findings.

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