Integration projects in Scotland
Across Scotland, there are many inspiring examples of projects supporting New Scots in settling into their new communities. Here you can learn about some of these best practice examples from groups and organisations across the country, highlighting the challenges they faced, their innovative solutions, key learnings, and the positive outcomes they achieved.

Saheliya Steering Group (Childcare Future)
Employability & Welfare

Grampian Regional Equality Council (Active Citizens Class for Women)
Community & Social Connections
City of Glasgow College
Language & Education

Refuweegee (Staying Connected)
Digital Inclusion

Centre for Contemporary Arts (Common Ground)
Art, Culture and Sport

World Spirit Theatre (Unknown Lives)
Community & Social Connections

Inverclyde Council (New Scots Get Connected)
Language & Education

Massive Outpouring of Love (MOOL) – Dumfries International Street Food Festival
Art, Culture and Sport
Licketyspit Limited (Porridge & Play Castlemilk and Porridge & Play East End)
Community & Social Connections

The Welcoming ‘3Ds Project’ (Digital Diversity and Development)
Digital Inclusion

New Scots Photography – Towards Good Practice in Document Refugee Integration Projects
Art, Culture and Sport

The Braveheart AssociationÂ
Health & Wellbeing